As an Idaho Conservation Officer for twenty one years Cee Dub often ended up pulling into his camp late at night and wanted a hot meal that didn't take a lot of prep and cooked FAST! A game warden buddy of his nicknamed "Laser" gave Cee Dub this recipe. It's tasty, quick, and filling. The perfect end to a day of patrolling the mountains and canyons of Central Idaho. Try this recipe for "Dutch Oven Fast Food!"
Every good stew needs some potatoes, aka “spuds”. Laser’s tip is the quicker you want the stew to cook, the smaller you dice your spuds. Chop up an onion or two along with 3-4 cloves of garlic and put them in a 12″ DO. Next crumble a pound of burger over the top, salt and pepper to taste, and pour a dark beer in as your cooking liquid. If you are out of beer, or you prefer to drink the beer, or have ran out of beer or you don’t like beer, substitute beef broth, chicken broth or water.
Set the dutch oven on the camp stove or over the coals from the campfire and simmer until the liquid has reduced by half. Top the stew with slices of Swiss cheese and replace the lid just long enough to melt the cheese. Serve with crackers or some crusty bread!