Making this simple and delicious Dutch oven dessert is easier than saying the tongue twisting title as quickly as you can three times in a row. (Go ahead and try it – BUBBLE GUM DUMP CAKE, BUBBLE GUM DUMP CAKE, BUBBLE GUM DUMP CAKE!) How did you do? Anyway…
Cee Dub specifically recommends this recipe, and other similar “Dump Cake Recipes”, for folks just getting started with Dutch oven cooking. Why do you ask? With only three ingredients, no measuring, the beginning Dutch oven cook need only be concerned with the time and temperature aspect in order to create this mouth watering dessert.
Cee Dub wants everyone’s first Dutch oven experience to be a success because it gives them confidence to continue Dutch oven cooking and try new recipes. Follow along with Cee Dub and create this simple and delicious Dutch oven recipe yourself!
But…whether you’re brand new or an old hand at Dutch oven cooking, this recipe is sure to please the folks sitting around your campfire or your dining room table!